Scientific researchshould be carried out and controlled by governments rather than privatecompanies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
I do agree with the statement that scientific research should be executed by governments instead of private companies.
First of all, government-controlled scientific research is much safer. By establishing strict rules and high standards, governments can diminish the risk to the lowest level, and thus ensure the safety of research, especially in the field of food and medicine, which is closely related to people’s life. As for the military science, one branch of scientific research, safety is even more important. Researches of advanced weapons, like nuclear technology, are highly dangerous and often classified. If this kind of research is carried out by private companies, military secrets may be leaked to others, which can cause unpredictable losses.
What’s more, in most cases, governments hold much more resources, like funds, human resources and other linked technology than private companies, which can be put into scientific research. With more available resources, it is much possible for a researching project to be succeeded. Meanwhile, governments’ data clearly shows integrated situation (like economy, etc.) of the country , which can help them use resources more flexible, hence a lot of unnecessary waste can be avoided.
Those who think scientific research should be carried out by private companies contend that research can be more efficient due to the competition among several corporations. However, excessive competition may cost extra funds, and may even lead the research to a dangerous situation.
In summary, scientific research should be controlled by governments since it has so may advantages such as ensuring safety, improving the possibility of success, as well as avoiding waste.
I do agree with the statement that scientific research should be executed① by governments instead of private companies.
First of all, government-controlled scientific research is much safer. By establishing strict rules and high standards①, governments can diminish the risk to the lowest level, and thus ensure the safety of research, especially in the field of food and medicine②, which is closely related to people’s life. As for the military science, one branch of scientific research, safety is even more important.Research of advanced weapons, like nuclear technology, are highly dangerous and oftenclassified③. If this kind of research is carried out by private companies, military secrets may be leaked to others, which can cause unpredictable losses.
What’s more, in most cases, governments hold much more resources, like funds, human resources and other linked technology than private companies, which can be put into scientific research①. With more available resources, it is much possible for a researching project to be succeeded②. Meanwhile, governments’ data clearly shows integrated situation (like economy, etc.) of the country③, which can help them use resources more flexible, ④ hence a lot of unnecessary waste can be avoided.
Those who think scientific research should be carried out by private companies contend that research can be more efficient due to the competition among several corporations. However,excessive competition may cost extra funds①, and may even lead the research to a dangerous situation②.
In summary, scientific research should be controlled by governments since it has so may advantages such as ensuring safety, improving the possibility of success, as well as avoiding waste.
Task Response: 6
Coherence and Cohesion: 6
段落有progression尽管不是特别明显。大部分cohesive devices使用恰当,也存在一些underuse,例如段中存在并列和递进关系的时候,没有类似besides这样的连接性副词。从抽象到具体例子和解释的时候,没有类似more specifically/in particular这样的表达。
Lexicalresource: 5.5
不规范表达:出现了雅思写作规范里不允许使用的缩写what's more
整体语言风格偏口语,出现了a lot of等casual表达,也存在一些包括主谓一致,冠词方面的小错误
Grammatical Range and Accuracy:6
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