4000 - 680 - 681
4000 - 680 - 681
基本介绍 Introduction

雅思口语考试时间一共11-14分钟之间,是与笔试中的听力阅读写作分开,单独安排时间测试的。 评分方式是考官将在口语考试全程对考生表现进行评分。


考官会向考生进行自我简介,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问。为保证题目的一致性,这些问题都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的。











A、Fluency and coherence                    流利度和相关性

B、Lexical resource                             词汇量

C、Grammatical range and accuracy      语法的范畴和准确度

D、Pronunciation                                 发音

评分描述 (7分)

Fluency and coherence 

speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence 

may demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correction 

uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility 

Lexical resource 

uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics 

uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate choices 

uses paraphrase effectively 

Grammatical range and accuracy 

uses a range of complex structures with some flexibility 

frequently produces error-free sentences, though some grammatical mistakes persist 


shows all the positive features of Band 6 and some, but not all, of the positive features of Band 8 

Band 6:

uses a range of pronunciation features with mixed control 

shows some effective use of features but this is not sustained 

can generally be understood throughout, though mispronunciation of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times 

Band 8

uses a wide range of pronunciation features 

sustains flexible use of features, with only occasional lapses 

is easy to understand throughout; L1 accent has minimal effect on intelligibility 


思路及原则 Principles


1. 大陆对雅思口语题有形成比较完整的题库,基本可以达到100%准备所有题。值得注意的是: 雅思口语每4个月换一次题,1/5/9月换题,考生因此需要在拿自己考试时间段中的题库进行练习,当考试跨越几个考试阶段时候可抓住新加题。

2. 回答问题的逻辑需要符合英文思维习惯,一般是先说总结性的内容再去扩展。另应学习如何逻辑清晰地增加内容,跟着老师学会合适的扩展方向,以便与考官交流顺畅。

3. 关于词汇和句式,考生需在表达正确的基础上再去考虑是否需要增加难度和复杂程度。特别需要注意的是词句应该符合英文表达习惯,也就是考生需大量吸收地道语法,同时在练习中注意自己的表达是否合适。

4. 发音为评分描述中的最后一项,考官不要求每一个音绝对精准,但需要至少能让考官听懂。其中特别需要注意的是:单词和句子的重读,根据单词习惯以及句子要表达的核心进行重读。

5. 每个学生在四项评分细则中的弱点均不一样,需要专业老师的一对一教学,老师帮助实时解决学生的每个问题。


The most common problems that will result in losing marks are:

Too much hesitation or repetition: You may not realize that this is a problem until you hear yourself speaking in English, try to record yourself speaking English and then listen to the amount of hesitation /repetition in your speech. You will be surprised!

A lack of good vocabulary : Many people use too many "simple words" such as "beautiful, like ,dislike , big" and not enough "less-common" words or idiomatic phrases. A good area to work on is using lots of phrasal verbs as these sound quite "native speaker" and are easy to learn & use. Slang is also easy to learn and can help your vocabulary sound more "native speaker".

Grammar is an important part of the English language so you must try to show your examiner that you have some understanding of the range of English grammar. This could include using a range of different tenses, various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex). A good area to focus on is using a range of tenses – not just past / present / future but things like "perfect , continuous and modal forms".  

Don’t worry too much about pronunciation – the most important thing is that the examiner can understand the wonderful language that you are using. It takes years to master native speaker pronunciation in any language so your examiner is not expecting you to use "American or British pronunciation", a little work on areas like sentence stress or intonation can help to improve your score.

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